Iranian Woman’s Struggle

[ Talash ]

The lower-class female has no choice but to work hard to raise her children, even if she has a couple of them and is pregnant with a third.

She straps one child to her back and puts another in a wagon, and then pulls the loaded donkey behind her, while filling the streets with her cries for business.

Women of all economic backgrounds got along well, even if one looked like a Barbie doll in her Western outfit, and the other was a mere peasant. It was customary to exchange compliments, regardless of economic status. Perhaps what they had in common was that none of them were in charge of their own lives. They lived worlds apart, but they were all oppressed and kept from reaching their potentials.


[ وی مِنز اِستِرَگِل ]

زنان طبقات محروم   جامعه ایران بجز انجام كارهاي سخت براي گذران زندگي و نگهداري فرزندان خود هيچ انتخاب ديگري ندارند.

گاهي زني حامله با داشتن چند فرزند در حاليكه فرزندي را به پشتش بسته و ديگري را با گاری کوچکی ميكشد با استفاده از الاغ براي فروش ميوه در كوچه و بازار زندگي اش را تاُمين ميكند.

زنان در طول سالها چه به زيبائي عروسك هاي غربي، چه به شكل كارگري فقير با مسائل اقتصادي زندگي درگيرند. شايد هنوز ايشان در جايگاه واقعي خود قرار نگرفته اند و شايد براستي از خواسته هاي واقعي خود دور نگهداشته شده اند.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

She has a donkey which is the only investment she has made. She takes care of the donkey as much as she takes care of her children. The donkey is her best friend because it brings her money to raise her children.

 او اولاغی دارد که تنها سرمایهُ زندگی او بشمار می آید. او به همان طور که از کودکانش مراقبت میکند، از او یعنی اولاغش هم مواظبت میکند. این خر بهترین یار و همراه او محسوب می شود زیرا برای او درآمدی ایجاد میکند که آن را صرف پرورش کودکانش می کند.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

Every morning she feeds her children and the donkey. She then prepares to go to the wholesale market and fill her two big saddle bags with fruit and go into town to sell them. In summer: watermelons, tomatoes, cucumber, and figs; in winter: oranges, tangerines, and vegetables/herbs.

هر روز صبح او کودکانش را غذا داده و همچنین خرش را علوفه می دهد. سپس آماده رفتن به بازار بزرگ می شود. او دو خرجین بزرگ را که پشت خر قرار دارد پر از میوه های مختلف میسازد تا آنها را برای فروش در شهر عرضه کند. او در فصل تابستان هند،وانه، گوجه فرنگی ، خیار و انجیر و در زمستان پرتقال، نارنگی، سبزیجات و ادویه می فر،وشد.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

She meets housewives from rich families (who have dyed blond hair, and wear lots of make up and jewelry), in front of their very decorative houses, to sell them her fruit.

او میوه هایش را به زنان خانه دار ثروتمندی که با موهای رنگ زده ، توالت غلیظ و جواهرات گوناگون در برابر خانه های مجلّل خود ایستاده اند می فروشد.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu referred, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

Often an Iranian woman’s power comes only from her access to wealth. These housewives strive to prove themselves with expensive Western possessions. They use their servants to help them to buy the fruits and vegetables.

 در ایران معمولاً نفوذ خانم ها تنها از ثروتی که دارند ناشی می شود. زنهای خانه دار تلالش می کنند با خرید اشیاء گرانقیمت غربی نفوذ ، اهمیّت خود را به اثبات برسانند. این خانمها توسط خدمتکارانشان میوه و سبزیحات لازم دا خریرادی می کنند.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

She attempts to loudly sing out “Onions! Melons!” all day for her marketing. She does all this while caring for her two children, and coping with the dizziness or sickness resulting from her unplanned pregnancy.

او تمام روز کالا های خودرا با فریادهای بلند عرضه می کند، «پیاز»، «هندوانه» . او تمام این تلاشها را همزمان با مراقبت از فرزندانش بخرج میدهد و این در حالی است که سعی دارد بر حالت گیجی و بیماری ناشی از یک حاملگی نا خواسته نیز غلبه کند.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

The servant is another oppressed woman. She is much more oppressed than the housewife, yet like the housewife, she is a possession. They serve as symbols for someone more rich and powerful.

خدمتکاران گروه دیگری از زنهای تحت ستم اند. او مسلماً بیشتر از خانم خانه تحت ستم است امّا هم او و هم خانم خانه برای مرد ها تنها یک مال و دارائی محسوب می شوند. این زنان خدمتکار تنها نمونه و نمایشی از قدرت و ثروت یک انسان دیگر بشماد می آیند.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

The sleepy one year old baby will be with her mother all day, but will often be ignored. Her mother has to tend to business, in order to feed the baby for another day. There is high competition between her and other poor women. She is accustomed to merely subsisting — not living.

کودک خرد سال خواب آلوده تمام روز همراه مادرش است امّا کمتر به او توجّه می شود. مادر باید مراقب کسب و کارش باشد تا بتواند غذای این کودک رابرای یک روز دیگر تاُمین کند. میان این زنان فقیر و کم در آمد دعابت شدیدی وجود دارد. او به یک زندگی به زنده بودن امکانات عادت دارد.

The Iranian woman's struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,
The Iranian woman’s struggles and hardships depicted in diorama by Niccu Tafarrodi, recalling her childhood memories of Shiraz, Iran,

She is pregnant with a third child. Her first, three years old, is carried on her back, fastened by her Chador (a kind clothing to use for seclusion). Her second child, a one year old, is brought along in a crude wagon.

او سومین فرزندش را حامله است. فرزند اوّلش را که سه سال دارد بر پشتش حمل میکند و با چادرش محکم به خود بسته است، فرزند دیگرش را که یکساله است در یک گالسکه ای که بشکل بسیار ابتدائی ساخته شده حمل می کند.

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