Iranian Woman’s Struggle
[ Talash ]
The lower-class female has no choice but to work hard to raise her children, even if she has a couple of them and is pregnant with a third.
She straps one child to her back and puts another in a wagon, and then pulls the loaded donkey behind her, while filling the streets with her cries for business.
Women of all economic backgrounds got along well, even if one looked like a Barbie doll in her Western outfit, and the other was a mere peasant. It was customary to exchange compliments, regardless of economic status. Perhaps what they had in common was that none of them were in charge of their own lives. They lived worlds apart, but they were all oppressed and kept from reaching their potentials.
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[ وی مِنز اِستِرَگِل ]
زنان طبقات محروم جامعه ایران بجز انجام كارهاي سخت براي گذران زندگي و نگهداري فرزندان خود هيچ انتخاب ديگري ندارند.
گاهي زني حامله با داشتن چند فرزند در حاليكه فرزندي را به پشتش بسته و ديگري را با گاری کوچکی ميكشد با استفاده از الاغ براي فروش ميوه در كوچه و بازار زندگي اش را تاُمين ميكند.
زنان در طول سالها چه به زيبائي عروسك هاي غربي، چه به شكل كارگري فقير با مسائل اقتصادي زندگي درگيرند. شايد هنوز ايشان در جايگاه واقعي خود قرار نگرفته اند و شايد براستي از خواسته هاي واقعي خود دور نگهداشته شده اند.
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