Traditional Dining Room

[ Otag-eh Nahar-khori Sonnati ]

The words “traditional Persian dining room” remind me of sitting around the sofreh (tablecloth spread on the floor) with the rest of my family. Sitting at the sofreh eftar for breaking the fast during the month of Ramadan was particularly interesting to me. I was only nine years old when I began to fast during Ramadan. It gave me the chance to become familiar with spirituality. Getting up to pray and eat before sunrise, avoiding drinking and eating for the entire day.  

Here, in America, I know that I could never again experience the beauty and delicacy of that setting, but memories still remind me of the generosity, richness of the sofreh. I wish the younger Iranian generations could experience their own traditional style rather than pursue westernization

اطاق نهارخوری سنّتی

[ تِرَدیشِنال دَینینگ روم ]

کلمه « نهارخوری سنّتی » مرا به یاد نشستن اطراف سفره (رومیزی که روی زمین پهن میشد» همراه با بقیّه افراد فامیلم می اندازد. سفره افطار جالبترین سفره برایم بود. نه ساله بودم كه با روزه داري در ماه رمضان برای پاكسازي روح و روان انسان آشنا شدم. صبح قبل از طلوع آفتاب برخاستن و تناول مقداري غذا سپس روزه داري يعني نخوردن ونياشاميدن تا غروب آفتاب.

اكنون باگذشت سالها مي دانم نمي توانم باز اين تجربه را داشته باشم ولي خاطرات آنروزها همچنان برايم پر معناست. اميداست که نسل جوان ايراني بيشتر به سنّتهاي اصيل خود پايبند باشند تا الگو برداري از غرب.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Silverware, plates and water glasses are provided for every person. Deserts are very important for Eftar (dinner at the end of fasting). Masghati (milk, rice powder, rose water, and clarified butter) and Zolbia (plain yogurt, flour, and clarified butter) are the most common deserts for Eftar.

برای هر فرد، سرویس غذاخوری شامل کارد و چنگال، بشقاب و  لیوان آب وجود دارد. برای افطار‌ (شام در پایان مدّت روزه گرفتن) مصرف دِسِرهای مختلف بسیار رواج دارد. مسقطی (مخلوط شیر، پودر برنج، گلا ب و کره آب شده). زولبیا (ماست ساده، آرد و کره آب شده) از رایج ترین دسرها برای افطار بشمار می آیند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Sofreh means a table cloth spread on the floor. Specific foods are provided for each sofreh event. For instance, sofreh Eftar (having dinner at the end of fasting) specific foods are provided such as rice mixed with berries

سفره شبیه یک رو میزی است که روی زمین گسترده میشود. روی هر سفره بسته به مورد آن غذاهای مخصوص قرار داده می شود. مثلاً برای سفره افطار (صرف غذادر پایان روزه گرفتن) غذاهای مختلف نظیر برنج مخلوط باانواع حبوبات و یا زرشک تهیّه می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

The room is decorated with big cushions on the floor. The floor was covered with a Persian rug, blankets, and small cushions to make a very comfortable and warm seat.

روی کف اتاق بالش های بزرگ قرار داده شده است. کف اتاق با فرش های ایرانی، پتو، بالش های مختلف پوشیده شده است که نشستن روی آنها بسیار راحت است.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

These cushions were hand embroidered. Cushions were a part of the dowry of every bride.

این بالش ها با دست دوزی های زیبا تزئین شده اند. بالش ها قسمتی ازجهیزیه عروس بودند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

The cushions are made of different fabrics such as velvet decorated with hand embroidery, or of a delicate carpet.

بالش ها از جنس های مختلف تهّیه شده اند. بعضی با استفاده از مخمل دست دوزی شده و بعضی دیگر از یک فرش ظریف دستباف درست شده اند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Esfahan, a city in central Iran, is a center for all kinds of hand made dishes such as miniatures on metal or Sterling silver. These two vases and this bowl are from Esfahan. While artists from Esfahan are masters in miniature, artist from Shiraz are masters in Khatam (traditional wood work).

اصفهان، شهری در مرکز ایران، بخاطر ساختن انواع ظروف و از جمله ظروفی از نقره و یا سایر فلزها با نقش های مینیاتور شهرت بسیار دارد. این دو گلدان و این ظرف کار اصفهان هستند. هنرمندان اصفهانی درکار مینیاتور استادند در حالیکه هنرمندان شیرازی استادان هنر خاتم کاری بشمار می آیند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

ranians are tea drinkers. Tea is offered for all occasions. In the case of Eftar (having dinner at the end of fasting, tea is the first part the meal.

Our tea maker, the Samovar (a kettle for boiling water) is originally from Russia. At that time, coal was used within it for its heating power.

ایرانیها به نوشیدن چای بسیار علاقه مندند. چائی در تمام مراسم مصرف می شود. در مراسم افطار ،غذای پس از گرفتن روزه، صرف غذا معمولاً با نوشیدن چائی آغاز می شود.

برای تهیّه چای در ایران از سماور (دستگاه جوشاندن آب) استفاده می شود. سماورهای اولیّه با استفاده از ذغال چوب گرم می شدند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Doogh (plain yogurt mixed with water and herbs) is served with rice and kabob (chelo-kabob).

دوغ (ماست ساده مخلوط با آب گاز دار و ادویّه) نوشیدنی مخصوص باغذاهائی نظیر چلوکباب بشمار می رود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Another desert was rice-pudding made of saffron, almonds, rose water, cinnamon, and pistachio slices.

یکی از انواع دسرهاشلّه زرد (برنج، شکر، زغفران، گلاب، دارچین و خلال بادام و پسته) می باشد.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

The most common and delicious stew is eggplant stew (lamb, fried eggplant, tomato sauce, and saffron). In place of lamb, chicken or beef could also be used.

مشهور ترین و خوشمزه ترین خورش ایرانی خورش بادمجان (گوشت بره، بادمجان سرخ شده، رب گوجه و زعفران) است. گاهی بجای گوشت بره از گوشت مرغ و یا گوشت گوساله نیز استفاده می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Plain rice dishes complemented the more fancy foods.

برنج ساده در کنار غذاهای رنگارنگ (خورش یا کباب) مصرف می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Zoolbia (plain yogurt, flour, clarified butter, rose water) is another desert served for Eftar. It is also an offering in holy places, in memory of love ones who have died.

زولبیا دسر دیگری است که برای برای افطار از آن استفاده می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Cheese and fresh flat-bread are very popular among Iranians. It is a part of all meals and snacks.

در ایران مصرف پنیر همراه با نان سنگک بسیار مورد علاقه است. نان و پنیر همواره با غذا و تنقّلات صرف می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Kabob (barbecued sticks of beef or chicken) is the national food in Iran. It could be served in all occasions, with or without rice.

کباب (گوشت گوساله و یا مرغ) در ایران یک غذای ملّی بشمار می رود. کباب در همه موارد همراه، یا بدون برنج مصرف می شود.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Cheese and flat-bread are served with herbs (basil, mint, green onion).

نان و پنیر همراه با انواع سبزیهای تازه (ریحان، نعناو پیازچه مصرف میشود.)

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

Windows were made of wood and stained glass.

در ایران پنجره ها با استفاده از چوب و شیشه های رنگارنگ ساخته می شدند.

Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,
Diorama depicting the traditional dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi,

A chandelier containing candles gave warmth and beauty to the sofreh.

چلچراغ با شمع های روشن به هر سفره ای گرمی و زیبائی می بخشید.

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