Westernized Dining room

[ Otagheh Nahar Khorie Gharbi ]

My grandma was the one who threw big parties and shouldered the responsibility to celebrate all cultural and religious events. But she never used chairs or dinning tables. Delicious and exotic foods were set on the sofreh ghalamkar (traditional table cloth) spread on the floor, which was carpeted wall to wall with Persian rugs.

The westernized dining room was the other phenomenon transferred from Europe to Iran and, as usual, it became a sign of status.

The Persian dining room reminds me of my grandma’s confounding habits. She was divorced by my wealthy and domineering grandpa, yet despite her tough experience with him, she gave priority to men in virtually everything. For instance, I remember that she advised the servants that the men should be looked after before the women.

Is it not the success of oppression when women internalize the oppressive system?

اتاق نهارخوری غربی

[ وِستِرنَیزد دَینیگ روم ]

مادربزرگ من همیشه میهمانیهای بزرگ بر پا می کرد و مسیُولیٌت جشنها و مراسم فرهنگی و مذهبی را بعهده میگرفت. او هرگز از میز و صندلی به سبک اروپائی در این میهمانیها استفاده نمیکرد. غذاهای خوشمزه و کم نظیرایرانی روی سفره قلمکار که خود بر روی قالی های دستباف ایرانی گسترده شده بود قرار می گرفت.

میزوصندلی نهار خوری یکی دیگر از نمونه های انتقال فرهنگ غربی به ایران بود و مثل موارد دیگر نشانه ثروت و تشخٌص افراد محسوب می شد.

اتاق نهارخوری مرا به یاد مادر بزرگم می اندازد. او از پدر بزرگ ثروتمند و سلطه طلب من جدا شده بود. با وجود این تجربه تلخ، او همواره ارجحیٌت را به مردان می داد و تاُکید داشت که از مردان قبل از زنان پذیرائی شود.

این روحیّه پذیرش برتریِ مرد از سوی زنان موفقیّتی بزرگ برای سیستم مرد سالاری در جامعه ایران بود.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Iranians are antiques lovers. They use antiques to decorate the dinning room.

ایرانیها عاشق اشیاء قدیمی هستند و از این اشیاء برای تزئین اتاق غذاخوری استفاده می کنند.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

The style of our dining rooms became Westernized as did the style of other rooms.

دکوراسیون اتاق غذا خوری مثل تزئین سایر اتاقها تحت تأثیر شیوه غربی قرار گرفت.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Iranians love flowers. Natural or artificial flowers are popular.

ایرانیها به گل علاقه زیادی دارند، گلهای طبیعی و مصنوعی هر دو مورد توجّه ایرانیها هستند.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Modern and traditional paintings are enjoyed by Iranians. While some Iranians love their traditional paintings, some others spend a large amount of money for modern paintings.

نقّاشیهای مدرن و سنّتی هر دو مورد توجّه ایرانیهاست. بسیاری از ایرانیها به نقّاشیهای سنّتی خود علاقه زیادی دارند. در حالیکه عدّه ای نیز پول فراوانی برای نقّاشیهای مدرن می پردازند.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

To Iranians, nothing could be more delicious than fruits. The worse thing for the poor is lack of ability to buy fruits.

ایرانیها به مصرف میوه علاقه فراوان دارند. عدم توانائی خرید میوه برای طبقات فقیر ضایعهء بزرگی است..

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Though Iranians are tea drinkers, coffee is common when treating foreign guests.

گر چه ایرانیها به نوشیدن چای علاقمندند، امّا مصرف قهوه برای پذیرائی از میهمانا ن خارجی نیز رواج دارد.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Alcoholic beverages are served in the Western way.

مشروبات الکلی به شیوه غربی مصرف می شوند.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

A basket of artificial flowers is very common for the middle class to decorate their dining room.

استفاده از یک سبد گل مصنوعی برای تزئین اتاق غذاخوری در میان طبقه متوسّط ایرانی بسیار رایج است،

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Antiques are a sign of prestige. China porcelain can be very precious. For instance, bowls named “kaseh Keshmir” or “kaseh Gol-morghi” are very popula

اشیاء قدیمی علامت تشخّص افراد بشمار می روند. انواع مشخّصی از چینی آلات بسیار گرانبها هستند. مثلاً ظرفهائی که به آنها ً کاسه کشمیریً و یا ً کاسه گل مرغیً گفته می شود خیلی محبوبیّت دارند.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

Antique plates are used for decorating the dining room.

از بشقابهای آنتیک برای تزئین اتاق غذاخودی استفاده می شود.

Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.
Diorama depicting the westernized dinning room in Iran. Childhood memories of growing up in Shiraz, Persia, created by Niccu Tafarrodi, RememberingPersia.com.

As English people are also tea drinkers, Iranians imported special china tea sets from England. These became a popular decoration.

چون صرف چای در انگلستان نظیر ایران بسیار رایج است، ایرانیها انواع سرویس های چای خوری را از انگلیس وارد می کردند. این سرویسها برای تزئین اتاق نهار خوری بکار میرفت و خیلی محبوبیٌت داشت.

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